Saturday, February 12, 2011


There are some days that I will not get any requests for my company.  Yesterday though, I was Miss Popular.  I got off work at 4 pm.  While waiting for my ride I checked my phone.  I had two text messages.  The first one I read was from a bus driver I know who wanted me to ride with her.  Turns out she wanted my opinion on something.  The second was from the friend that I went to lunch with on Wednesday asking if I wanted to get chinese for dinner as she would not have her kids for the night.  I called her and told her that our friend, the bus driver, had beat her to me.  LOL  She stated that she was planning on a later dinner as her kids had not left yet.  We made plans to meet up at the mall when I returned from riding with our friend.

We went to eat at a mutually favorite chinese buffet.  We then headed to the Super K-mart that was nearby.  We enjoyed a relaxing dinner and adult conversation.  We also had some quality "girl time" while shopping.  I didn't get home until just after midnight after being up at 6 am.  It made for a long day at work today but it was fun.

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